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All My Album Cover Art Is Wrong After Android Update

  1. bluevolume's Avatar

    Anybody else having this problem?

    My MP3s are tagged correctly (as far as I can tell), and if I play the aforementioned files on my PC I go the right cover art. They are all embedded in the files themselves, and I practice non have any jpg files in in that location.

    Nosotros all like Baton, just I don't like that he shows up in at to the lowest degree 9 of the albums I take loaded. I tried one proffer to go to the Album view and open it from at that place, merely these "bad Billy" albums don't show up in that view. You tin can only see them in the Songs or Artists views. Its possible something is wrong with the tags, but they expect right to me.

    02-xiii-2011 11:30 PM

  2. Sheepdog Elite's Avatar

    Anybody else having this problem?

    My MP3s are tagged correctly (every bit far as I can tell), and if I play the same files on my PC I go the correct cover fine art. They are all embedded in the files themselves, and I practise not take whatsoever jpg files in there.

    We all like Baton, but I don't like that he shows up in at least 9 of the albums I have loaded. I tried ane proffer to get to the Anthology view and open information technology from there, just these "bad Billy" albums don't show up in that view. You can only see them in the Songs or Artists views. Its possible something is incorrect with the tags, but they look right to me.

    You could e'er try another player and encounter if it'due south a problem with the files or the player. I seriously doubt the kernel/rom would mess with this in whatever sort of manner.

    02-xiv-2011 01:04 AM

  3. Jgonzo1299's Avatar

    ive had this trouble too with the default thespian. no idea whats incorrect either, but i also never bothered to ask.

    i also tried using another histrion. doubletwist since they said it synced with itunes, only and then it never loaded any of the song data (no names or artists or albums)

    02-14-2011 09:40 AM

  4. bluevolume's Avatar

    ive had this problem likewise with the default player. no idea whats incorrect either, but i also never bothered to enquire.

    i also tried using another player. doubletwist since they said information technology synced with itunes, but then information technology never loaded any of the song data (no names or artists or albums)

    I downloaded MixZing (but picked something that had good rating) and its showing the encompass fine art correctly. It seems like a pretty serious bug to be in the stock music player this far downwards the road.

    02-14-2011 09:42 AM


  6. gunnermike53's Avatar

    i have a similar trouble. near of my embrace art will not load at all.

    02-14-2011 09:59 AM

  7. bluevolume's Avatar

    I figured out what information technology is doing, simply it doesn't help solve the problem. If yous have more than anthology with the aforementioned Album Title, information technology gives them all the same pic. That Billy Idol album is the first on in my drove with the title "Greatest Hits", and so every other mp3 with anthology title of "Greatest Hits" shows that same comprehend art.

    Like I was maxim earlier, this is pretty bad for an Bone that'southward had this many revs. This should exist one.0 problem for sure.

    02-15-2011 07:46 AM

  8. morbidz's Avatar

    whatsoever known solutions to this problem?

    05-25-2011 07:01 PM

  9. Ferit Francis's Avatar

    Finally i fixed it.
    ane, Connect you phone to your pc.
    ii, Become to the binder which comprise your mp3 files.
    3, Press Alt Key> Tools> Folder Option> View> check "Bear witness hidden files, folders, and drives".
    4, Y'all will see some subconscious film. Normally it will be the wrong album art you lot run across in the music player. Delete all the hidden files from the folder except your mp3 files.
    5, Get to your music player and check whether the trouble fixed or not.
    6, If the trouble is not fixed, Again Go to your music folder & copy only your mp3 files> create a new folder> paste in that location> delete erstwhile folder.

    ----You lot Washed IT----

    01-29-2014 12:23 AM

  10. FourLegRon's Avatar

    I had this trouble in Shuttle on my Annotation four. The cover art for some albums was non showing up.

    The solution was very simple. For the artist, if y'all take the correct name in the metadata, Shuttle volition tend to load the creative person portrait on its own. So, the artist shows upwardly when you are using the tab "Artists" to select the slice to play.

    Just, the real solution is the album cover. I tried putting a jpg image of the comprehend in the Anthology binder on the phone itself. The cover image did not prove up when I used the "album" tag to view the contents.

    Then, I changed the title of the .jpg file to "cover.jpg", kept information technology in the binder containing the music, and the encompass paradigm showed up in the "albums" category of Shuttle. I got the album image past googling the album name, and saving the album prototype as a jpg.

    Merely as a guide for some who may need it, I have a microSD carte du jour, then I put all my music and photos on the card. I merely created a folder called "Music" and nether that, "Classical", "Jazz", "Piece of cake Listening" and then along. Under each folder, I put the artist binder, under the artist I put the album folder, and in the album folder, I put the .flac files and the cover.jpg image.

    If you lot don't have a microSD carte du jour, yous can create the "Music" folder in the telephone memory. In fact, I call up there is a "Music" folder by default.

    By the mode, the fashion the music files themselves are categorized in Shuttle are through the metadata. The binder location and title do not matter at all, except for the cover art.

    03-27-2016 12:36 PM

  11. Ali Khazayeni's Avatar

    OK the problem is if ur songs dont have any album title it will add something automate and than use one cover for all of them thats why i take problem with my singles

    P.s i used mp3tag to add anthology proper name simply at that place are singles ! so i added numbers , different number for apiece song and problem solved ! but google should brand a better solution for this

    04-07-2016 10:47 AM

  12. JKSponge's Avatar

    I recollect you hit information technology on the head. UNKNOWN album info puts up another anthology fine art pic by default.
    In fact if you modify the name of the album on multiple songs to the same proper noun... like NONE, they'll all employ the same motion picture

    The solution is to give each Anthology a unique name. Then it will utilise your choice of anthology art.
    A real hurting if you have hundreds with name equally I practise.

    05-17-2016 03:17 PM

  13. raviv bg's Avatar

    Ok so y'all tin accept MP3Tag automatically modify the albom name of each song.

    apply ctrl + A to select all. then click on the "Tag-Tag" button under convert (or hitting alt + 5)
    a new window will open. unter field select Anthology (it should be on the very top of the list)
    then under format cord type one of the post-obit:

    %title% --------- this will set the album name of each song to its title name
    %_filename% ---------- this will ready the album proper name of each song to its file name
    $rand() ------------ this will assign a random number from 0 to 32767 every bit the album name (small take chances of having it give more than than one song the same number)
    hit "OK"


    06-17-2016 06:36 PM

  14. Wahyu Jeff's Avatar

    Hello Everyone!

    I have same problem, simply I am already solved this. Just delete all files in directory /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/ and re-open your music app

    Good Luck!

    08-08-2016 07:04 AM

  15. 333onlyhalfevil's Avatar

    Hello Everyone!

    I have aforementioned trouble, only I am already solved this. Only delete all files in directory /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/ and re-open your music app

    Good Luck!

    OMG! This really worked!, thank you so freaking much, this has been bugging forever! Thanks again!

    09-19-2016 05:55 AM

  16. J in SD's Avatar

    I've institute an app that works very well well: "Album Art Grabber" written by Tim Clark. Information technology will brandish your albums and their current artwork (or lack thereof.)

    Click on an album that's missing artwork. A box titled "Choose Image From" pops upwards, giving you two resource choices to endeavor: "Concluding FM" and "MusicBrainz."

    Tap one of them -- it will search by the artist'south name first. If it finds null, you can search by album proper noun.

    I've got some obscure albums on my telephone, so in that location were a number of times the app plant nothing. But there'southward a cool trick around that, though it'south a bit labor-intensive.

    The "Choose Prototype From" box actually has a tertiary choice: "SD Card." So you can search Google Images for the CD cover art and saved the image to your telephone'southward SD card. Dorsum in the app, hit "SD Menu." Your phone'south Gallery will open. Just single-tap the epitome, and voila -- you're back in the app, and the image is assigned to your album. You lot can and then delete the image in your Gallery.

    Minor drawback: in that location were a couple times that images didn't bear witness in the Music Player, but they did later a 2nd try. A few days later, and everything is still showing beautifully in my Music Histrion.

    05-fifteen-2017 02:39 AM

  17. Shenawy22's Avatar

    Aforementioned problem , it picked a very embarrasing photo and kept displaying it fifty-fifty though I deleted the original photo.
    Download app chosen "Anthology fine art changer"
    It will fix it

    08-06-2017 03:08 AM

  18. Lucas Shubaltz's Avatar

    @Ali Khazayeni, yes i knda observe the same proper noun of album name and then this locates the image of the first album name it recognize... THIS IS THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM GUYS...

    11-19-2017 07:43 PM

  19. liciucosmin88's Avatar

    ok so you can have mp3tag automatically modify the albom name of each song.

    Use ctrl + a to select all. Then click on the "tag-tag" push button nether convert (or hitting alt + 5)
    a new window will open. Unter field select album (it should be on the very summit of the list)
    then under format string blazon one of the following:

    %title% --------- this will set up the album name of each song to its title name
    %_filename% ---------- this will set the anthology name of each song to its file name
    $rand() ------------ this will assign a random number from 0 to 32767 as the album proper noun (small gamble of having it give more than one song the aforementioned number)
    hit "ok"


    god bless you !!!!!!

    12-02-2018 06:09 AM

  20. Keeron allie28's Avatar

    Hullo Everyone!

    I have aforementioned problem, but I am already solved this. Merely delete all files in directory /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/ and re-open up your music app

    Good Luck!

    You lot are the all-time ******* person on this earth

    12-14-2018 04:31 PM

  21. TheRealGhostSe's Avatar

    Hello Anybody!

    I have aforementioned problem, just I am already solved this. But delete all files in directory /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/ and re-open your music app

    Good Luck!

    Wow, this actually worked, TY

    03-14-2019 09:07 PM

  22. The_Passporter's Avatar

    Hello Everyone!

    I accept same trouble, simply I am already solved this. Just delete all files in directory /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/ and re-open your music app

    Good Luck!

    just wanted to permit some know that i use Media Monkey on my phone and information technology searches automatically the album fine art for the songs and appends them to the file. I deleted the album art like you lot said and merely allow Media Monkey practice its thing.

    Cheers again for the fix, this was driving many of united states of america made..

    04-03-2019 07:fifteen AM

  23. DJ_Ben_Lord's Avatar

    Hello Everyone!

    I have aforementioned problem, but I am already solved this. Just delete all files in directory /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/ and re-open your music app

    Good Luck!

    First of all, give thanks yous so much for this solution.

    Ok, so I take a Samsung phone (Note9) with Samsung Music. At first, this step didn't solve my issue. So I would like to share that for Samsung Music users in that location is an additional stride, and that is that you demand to first force close Samsung Music and clear it's information, and And then you need to delete the things in the albumthumbs folder. After you did this, Samsung Music won't have permission to utilise storage, so go into Samsung Music and fix it up as it was the outset launch. After that, every album art will be correct, just brand certain to non have whatsoever of the aforementioned album tags for unlike albums

    05-10-2019 05:23 PM

  24. but_56's Avatar

    Genius - that's exactly the information I was looking for. Worked a treat.

    10-28-2019 01:15 PM



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